
Scientific seminar “Prospects for the use of ultra-wide range as a component of embedded systems”
As part of the activities dedicated to the Day of Science at the Department of MTS KNURE will be a scientific seminar “Prospects for the use of ultra-wide range as part of embedded systems”, speaker associate professor of MTS Vorgul O.

Webinar registration: “Full-stack developer: where to start your career?”
Registration for a webinar for students “Full-stack developer: where to start a career?” – started!
Date: May 6, 17:00, duration 1 hour

Participation in the webinar “How to create a center for quality assurance in education – the experience of the University of Waterloo”
As part of KNURE’s participation in the Academic Integrity and Education Quality Initiative (Academic IQ) Project, Iryna Svyd, Head of the MTS Department, on April 27, 2021 took part in the webinar “How to create a center for quality assurance of education – the experience of the University of Waterloo.”

Participation in the Ukrainian cluster week 2021
Head of the MTS Department Svyd I On April 26-28, 2021, she took part in the Ukrainian cluster week 2021, which focused on the topic “Digitalization of industrial SMEs”.
Ukrainian Cluster Week is an online conference of industrial and high-tech clusters of the Eastern Partnership countries, Eastern Europe and Ukraine, which aims to establish strong partnerships between clusters and cluster members. The program includes expert presentations, panel discussions and B2B partner meetings. The main topics of the conference are the digitalization of industrial SMEs. The Association of Industrial Automation Enterprises of Ukraine (APPAU), as the executor of the ClusteRISE project, organized the cluster week.
From April 26 to 28, the 1st Ukrainian Cluster Week was held in Ukraine, focusing on the topic “Digitalization of industrial SMEs”. For 3 days, 28 speakers from 11 EU countries, including 12 Ukrainian clusters, discussed topical issues of cluster policy development in the EU and Eastern Partnership countries, the state and directions of SME digitalization, as well as the development of industrial ecosystems. This event was a big step forward for the Ukrainian cluster community towards its own consolidation, as well as alignment with EU best practices.

Happy Easter!
Employees of the MTS department wish you a Happy Easter! We wish, first of all, good and good health. May your life be filled with warm encounters and moments. Let your thoughts be bright, and happiness in the house comes with each new dawn.

GlobalLogic Academy in the field of AUTOSAR
The number and complexity of “smart” stuffing in a modern car is growing exponentially. We are confident that this great trend will only intensify in the coming years.
We offer not to waste time, but to join the ranks of AUTOSAR engineers now!

Final scientific-practical conference of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of “Embedded Systems Engineering” in 2020-2021 academic year.
On April 29, the final conference of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the intersectoral direction “Engineering of Embedded Systems” in 2020-2021 took place on the basis of the MTS Department. Due to the extension of the quarantine, the conference was held remotely using the Google Meet service. At the final stage, 10 works from different universities of Ukraine were presented.

Participation in the online seminar “Qualification requirements in higher education standards and educational programs”
On April 29, 2021, Iryna Svyd, Head of the MTS Department, took part in an online seminar “Qualification Requirements in Higher Education Standards and Educational Programs” as part of a series of webinars from the National Team of Experts on Higher Education Reform (HERE team) of the EU Erasmus + Program.
Speaker of the event Volodymyr Bakhrushin, member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (higher education sector); National Expert on Higher Education Reform; Chairman of the Academic Council, Professor of the Department of Systems Analysis and Computational Mathematics of the National University “Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic”.
The seminar addressed the problematic issues of formulating requirements for competencies and learning outcomes of graduates, the differences between competencies and learning outcomes, taking into account the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework and professional standards, as well as the subject area, focus on future professional activity rather than educational process. .

Gist Innovates Ukraine Program
GIST Innovates Ukraine is a ten-week accelerator preparation program created according to the Lean Startup methodology. Through an in-depth process of identifying consumers, entrepreneurs at an early stage will identify and evaluate opportunities for their activities and make informed decisions about how best to advance their idea. We strive to provide innovators with the training, mentoring, and resources they need to develop their entrepreneurial skills and bring their ideas out of the lab and into the marketplace.

Employees of the department took part in the EU4Digital ICT Innovation networking event
Employees of the MTS Department on April 22, 2021 took part in the EU4Digital ICT Innovation networking event. The event was held as part of the EU4Digital initiative.
EU4Digital aims to extend the benefits of the European Union’s digital single market to the EU’s eastern neighbors, channeling EU support into developing the potential of the digital economy and society to deliver economic growth, create more jobs, improve people’s lives and help businesses.

Employees of the department joined the celebration of International Girls’ Day in ICT
Employees of the MTS Department Valeria Chumak, Natalia Boyko, Iryna Svyd joined the celebration of the International Girls’ Day in ICT on April 22, 2021: 10 hours about women in IT.
The event was held by CSR Ukraine, an expert organization of the Center for CSR Development, and its initiative #GirlsSTEM in honor of International Girls’ Day in ICT. The event was organized within the framework of the UNFPA project “Springboard for Equality”, the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine with the financial support of Sweden. The partner of the event is the national project “Diya. Digital Education ”of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Participation in the webinar “Analyzing the plagiarism check report”
Employees of the MTS Department on April 22, 2021 took part in the webinar “Analyzing the report on plagiarism.” The event was held with the participation and support of Unicheck Ukraine and the project “Initiative of Academic Integrity and Quality of Education” (Academic IQ).
The speaker of the event is Andriy Sidlyarenko, an expert on academic integrity and commercial director of Unicheck Ukraine.
Plagiarism testing has become commonplace for higher education seekers. Every university graduate, supervisor and degree seeker must be able to write an academic text without plagiarism and draw up a loan correctly. Checking the work for plagiarism is inevitable, but learning to interpret the results is important, as is writing an academic text.