The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

In September 2015, countries adopted a new sustainable development agenda and a new global agreement on climate change. The actions taken in 2015 resulted in new sustainable development goals that build on the eight Millennium Development Goals. The new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda that all countries in the world are now following in setting their own development platforms includes 17 goals and 169 specific targets. The SDG Agenda was officially launched in the context of the UN General Assembly meetings in late September 2015.
Ukraine, like other UN member states, has joined the global process of achieving sustainable development. To establish a strategic framework for the national development of Ukraine for the period until 2030, based on the principle of “Leave no one aside”, an inclusive process of adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals was launched

Goals of sustainable development in terms of tasks of the department