
Fair of professions. Choose your future profession at NURE
🏛Entering the KNURE, the entrant can imagine only possible guidelines for their future work, career prospects and employment. One of the most popular questions from applicants: “Who can I work with after graduation?”
✍️We invite KNURE entrants on June 14-17 at 10.00 on the YouTube channel NURE TV to a meeting with employers for each educational program in the online marathon “Professions Fair. Choose your future profession with KNURE”.

Memo to a bachelor’s graduate!
We invite you to study for the degree of “MASTER” in one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education KNURE!
We remind you that registration for OEE ends at 18.00 on June 3! Are waiting for you!

An open access department has opened in the library
Dear colleagues and students!
The open access department has started working in our library!
Magazines, books, reference books in various fields are offered to your attention: mathematics and physics, engineering, economics, etc.
In this department you can:
– independently search and choose literature;
– work with electronic and card catalogs;
– get advice from an experienced specialist from the funds of the department;
– use the services of the interlibrary loan (IBA).

Participation in the second International scientific-practical conference “Aviation, industry, society”
Employees, students and graduate students of the MTS Department took part in the second International Scientific and Practical Conference “Aviation, Industry, Society”. Which was held on the basis of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in correspondence and distance form.
Participants presented reports on current trends and prospects for the development of industry, electronics, energy, in today’s conditions.

Exhibition of educational institutions “Education of Kharkiv region”
The MTS Department invites students of the preparatory department of KNURE – high school students, graduates of higher education institutions and students of the Free Economic Zone on May 21 from 🕥 10.00 to 18.00 in the city garden. T.G. Shevchenko (alley next to ⚽ soccer ball) to visit the exhibition of educational institutions “Education of Kharkiv region -2021”.
Applicants will meet with teachers, students and graduates of each educational program KNURE, learn all about the educational process, employment prospects, to choose exactly the specialty they dream of. The event will be an assistant not only for high school students and their parents, but also for professionals who plan to improve their skills in Ukraine.

On the work of educational centers “Crimea-Ukraine” and “Donbass-Ukraine” during the introductory campaign of 2021
To organize admission to institutions of higher, professional higher and professional (vocational) education through educational centers “Donbass-Ukraine” and “Crimea-Ukraine” the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the Procedure for admission of persons living in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the temporarily occupied territory of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the territory of settlements located on the line of contact.

Online presentation of educational programs: “Radio Engineering” and “Systems of technical protection of information”
On May 15 at 10:00 on NURE TV channel there was an online presentation of educational programs: “Radio Engineering” and “Information Security Systems”.
The entrants of KNURE-2021 were told about the modernity, perspective and demand of the specialties “Radio Engineering” and “Information Security Systems” during the broadcast:

Happy Holidays – Science Day!
At the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems on 14.05.2021 at 12:00 in the framework of the celebration of Science Day was held a scientific seminar “Prospects for the use of ultra-wide range as part of embedded systems.” Associate Professor of MTS Vorgul A. reported.
We sincerely congratulate the educational and scientific community on the holiday – Science Day!

GlobalLogic survey among students studying Embedded
GlobalLogic is actively involved in improving higher technical education in Ukraine. Cooperation with higher education institutions is important, because students are future professionals who will move the world of digital technologies forward. The modern world does not stand still and creates new requirements and rules every day, especially in the IT field.

The author’s team of the MTS department received a patent for a utility model
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On protection of rights to inventions and utility models” in the State Register of Patents of Ukraine for utility models from 28.04.2021 registered a patent of the author’s team of the MTS department:
– Patent for a utility model METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION OF AIR OBJECTS BY “OWN-FOREIGN” inventors Svyd I, Obod I, Semenets V, Tkach M, Starokozhev S

KNURE invites you to an online presentation of educational programs
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics invites you to the presentation of educational programs “Radio Engineering” and “Technical Information Protection Systems”, which will take place on June 15 at 10:00 on the NURE channel
During the broadcast, entrants will have the opportunity to meet with the dean of the IRTZI faculty, the senator of the faculty, teachers and students.

Remembrance and Reconciliation Day
On May 8, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Second World War.
On this day, we honor the hero’s feat and pay tribute to all fighters against Nazism, as well as perpetuate the memory of those killed.
Remember. We win. Never Again.