
Meeting with the KhNURE Admissions Committee: features of admission to the bachelor’s degree
We look forward to hot summer days and have hot news for applicants!
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics holds a meeting with the Admissions Committee. And two at once!

IT Course for Educators by GlobalLogic Education
GlobalLogic Education invites teachers to join the course “IT Tools for Educators.”
GlobalLogic experts have prepared topics that cover IT trends, time management basics, principles of effective communication, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and much more. They will share the latest tools and technologies that will help to teach more effectively and engage students in classes, as well as be useful in scientific research.

A tip for a future master’s degree
Countdown to the defense of diplomas of our future bachelors. We believe in each and every one
We suggest you take a little break from the hustle and bustle of the diploma and deal with the admission to the master’s degree

Аdmission to the master’s program
Our almost graduates are currently going through the most crucial period of their first stage of education – defending their qualification works.
Very soon, you will hold your coveted diplomas in your hands and move forward. For those who plan to apply for a master’s program, we have an online meeting with the Admissions Committee on June 11th at 13:00.

Coefficients for admission this year
We understand that there is little time left until the entrance exams, so we advise you not to panic and overwhelm yourself with intense preparation, but rather pay a little more attention to the challenging areas.
To know which subject to focus on the most, take a look at the admission coefficients for this year!

Meeting with the Admissions Committee (KhNURE)
This week, we are actively introducing you to all the educational programs at the Best Among the First!
But we know that besides the future educational program, you are also interested in the university admissions campaign, and we are ready to help with that too!

Science Day 2023!
Science Day is celebrated in Ukraine on May 20. The purpose of this holiday is to unite the scientists of the country and draw attention to the scientific heritage and development of science. This holiday is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. The holiday was established by the decree of Leonid Kuchma in 1997.

Participation in the fourth international scientific and practical conference “Aviation, Industry, Society”
Employees, students and graduate students of the MTS department took part in the fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Aviation, Industry, Society”. Which was held on the basis of the Kremenchug Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in correspondence and distance learning.
The participants presented reports on modern trends and prospects for the development of industry, electronics, and energy in today’s conditions.

Schedule of the Week of getting to know KhNURE
We have so much planned for next week that we envy you that your choice of educational program will become even easier!
We share with you the schedule of the Week of acquaintance with Khnure, so that you can plan when you need to be with us online.

The cathedral section of the forum “Radio electronics and youth in the XXI century” was held
As part of the 27th International Youth Forum “Radioelectronics and Youth in the XXI Century” on May 16, 2023, on the basis of remote technologies, a meeting of conference 3 “Information radio technologies and technical protection of information”, section 5 “Systems and technologies of devices on microprocessors, microcontrollers and FPGA” of the MTS Department of the Faculty of IRTI. All participants’ reports were interesting and meaningful. Thank you for participating!

A week of acquaintance with KhNURE
We have very important news for applicants!
We want to help everyone understand all the intricacies of the educational programs available at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, so we are ready to devote a whole week to this.

Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation
On May 8, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation. This date is a sign that decades later we, as a people, remember the horrors of the war and honor the feat of those who liberated our land from the fascist invasion. The Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation should be a reminder of the terrible disaster and a warning for the future.