
We congratulate the teachers of the MTS department on receiving a certificate of copyright registration for the work
The certificate confirms the copyright of the work “Monograph “Processing of radar information of airspace surveillance systems””.
Author of the work: I. Svyd
The staff of the MTS department congratulates the authors!

We congratulate the teachers of the MTS department on receiving a certificate of copyright registration for the work
The certificate confirms the copyright of the work “Study guide “Programming of STM32 microcontrollers in the STM32CubeIDE environment in examples and problems””.
Authors of the work: O. Zubkov, I. Svyd, O. Vorgul, V. Semenets
The staff of the MTS department congratulates the authors!

IT vacation from KhNURE 2023
The world of IT really amazes with the number of directions and areas for your future activity. There is a place to go for a walk!
And that’s why we want your spring break to be incredibly rewarding thanks to our state IT university. And finally, we announce our IT vacation from KhNURE 2023.

We congratulate the teachers of the MTS department on receiving a certificate of copyright registration for the work
The certificate confirms the author’s right to the work “Monograph “Security of radar identification systems based on the sign of “home-foreign””.
Authors of the work: I. Svyd, I. Obod
The staff of the MTS department congratulates the authors!

Day of acquaintance with KhNURE
The Ukrainian IT world has about 300,000 IT people. And you can become one of them!
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics – the best IT university of Ukraine invites the future conquerors of this desirable field to the “KHNURE Acquaintance Day”

Restoration of Online Laboratory Operations
At the beginning of the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, the Distance Laboratory of the Department of Microelectronics and Telecommunication Systems (MTS) has resumed its operations. This initiative is aimed at providing students with a unique opportunity to study and implement their projects, even if they are located outside the physical laboratory. Laboratory sessions at the department are conducted using the Moodle platform (available at, Google Hangouts Meet for video conferencing, and the technology of remote access to PCs and laboratory setups.
A significant feature of these new laboratories is the utilization of modern equipment that can be connected to personal computers. Laboratory setups and oscilloscopes are fully controlled by the computer. Thanks to cameras, the work of laboratory setups is broadcast on the computer monitor, and specialized software allows for the remote loading of projects onto laboratory setups and the viewing of their results.

Participation in the training for trainers program on the ‘Google Digital Tools for Education’ program.”
During the period of February 02 to February 19, 2023, Irina Svyd, the head of the department of MTS, participated in an intensive training for trainers program on the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, with the support of Google Ukraine, organized free training within the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program in order to expand the possibilities of using digital tools for organizing distance learning and increasing the effectiveness of the educational process, which is being carried out during the 2022/2023 academic year.

Presentation on professions of the future
Assistant of the department, Chumak V., took part in the final conference of the competition “Best Gender-Sensitive STEM Lesson”, where a presentation by Career Hub was held on professions and industries relevant for Ukraine’s recovery after the victory.
Every year, thousands of graduates go to study for the same specialty that they or their parents consider promising for the future. Occasionally, this promising specialty changes, but the result remains the same.

Invitation to the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works
The department of MTS KhNURE invites students to participate in the First (university) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2022/2023 academic year in the interdisciplinary direction “EMBEDRED SYSTEMS ENGINEERING”, which will be held in March 2023.
Student research papers submitted to the competition must be designed in accordance with the requirements of Section III “Regulations on the All-Ukrainian Competition for Student Research Papers in Fields of Knowledge and Specialties”, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 18, 2017 No. 605:

Meeting with the Admissions Committee
There is not much time left before the NMT and the introductory campaign, so we know that you already have a lot of questions.
The KhNURE Admissions Committee is ready to answer all your questions and tell you everything that is currently known about admission this year.

The All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works
On the basis of the MTS department in the 2022/2023 academic year, the State scientific institution “Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education” in accordance with Clause 5 of Section I of the Regulation on the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in the Fields of Knowledge and Specialties planned to hold an event in the interdisciplinary direction “Engineering of Embedded Systems” ( Electronics and telecommunications, Information technologies).
The event was supposed to take place in 2 rounds, however, holding the second round of the competition in wartime conditions was determined to be impossible “for reasons of ensuring the safety of participants in the educational process.” The organizers consider it inappropriate to conduct the competition remotely due to the high risks of academic dishonesty.

International Day of Girls and Women
On February 11, the “STEM Girls” branch was created in the department of MTS, reached the initiative of the “CSR Development” Center #Girl STEM, with the support of the L’Oréal Ukraine company, to the QUIZ game on the topic “Ukrainian women in science, with what applause.”
For example, as part of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, a well-known Ukrainian scientist, biologist and winner of the “For Women in Science” Award in 2018 congratulated girls on the holiday.