
NURE entered The World University Rankings
On September 2, 2021, the 18th Academic Summit of the 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
The Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics was included in the ranking in the group 1001+ – 1200.

Congratulations to our students on the beginning of the school year!
Congratulations to all students on the start of the new school year. We wish this school year to be filled with interesting meetings and fruitful work, new initiatives and good results, so that everyone feels that the efforts made are not in vain! Let the learning process not take away the fun time of your hectic student life, but on the contrary, make it much richer, more interesting and brighter.

The MTS department topped the ranking of non-graduating departments of KNURE according to the results of 2020/2021 academic year.
At the Academic Council, the rector of KNURE, Professor VV Semenets. announced the results of the ranking of departments for the 2020/2021 academic year. This year, for the first time, a consolidated rating assessment was conducted according to the webometric rating of indicators of the usual rating of departments and key performance indicators. As a result, the first place in the fierce struggle was won by our department – microprocessor technologies and systems! We thank the staff of the department for a significant contribution to the rating. We wish everyone fruitful work and new achievements!

Participation in the IEEE UKRCON-2021 conference
On August 26-28, 2021, teachers, staff and graduate students of the MTS Department took part in the IEEE 3rd Ukrainian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE UKRCON-2021). The IEEE UKRCON-2021 conference was held in a virtual format using remote information and communication technologies.

Employees of the MTS Department took part in the IEEE Young Scientist School
On August 27, 2021, the staff of the MTS Department took part in the IEEE Young Scientist School. The School of Young Scientists includes lectures by world-class experts in electromagnetic compatibility and signal processing.

Congratulations on the Independence Day of Ukraine!
Congratulations on the national holiday Independence Day of Ukraine! Dear colleagues, with your daily work, despite all obstacles, you and I are step by step preserving and multiplying the achievements of our country! The desire for unity, unshakable faith and the development of our country is the key to the prosperity of the homeland! We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, well-being, strength, inspiration, realization of all your plans and ideas. May every day of your life be filled with joy, friendly warmth and new achievements for building a united and independent Ukraine!

Free courses from GlobalLogic Automation QA BaseCamp and Java BaseCamp!
GlobalLogic invites everyone to free courses Automation QA BaseCamp and Java BaseCamp!

Participation in a webinar on the selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection
On August 12, 2021, Iryna Svyd, Head of the MTS Department, took part in the webinar “Criteria and procedure for selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection”, which was conducted by highly qualified specialists of Clarivates.
The webinar focused on the following issues:

GL C/Embedded BaseCamp
Are you interested in Embedded technologies? Then GlobalLogic invites students of 2-6 courses and graduates of technical universities to take a free course on embedded development. We recommend it to everyone who is interested in the development of embedded systems, programming of microcontrollers and microprocessors.
During the course you will gain low-level development skills for microcontrollers using the C language, take part in interesting technical activities, get modern practical skills “first hand” from embedded development experts with many years of experience. And most importantly – after the course you will be able to join GlobalLogic projects!

Employees and graduate students of the MTS department have passed an international internship
Employees and graduate students of MTS KNURE in the period from 14.06.2021 to 05.07.2021 successfully passed an international internship at the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park, Lublin, Poland on the topic: “Innovative forms of modern education on the example of Google platforms Meet, Google Classroom ». The topic of the internship is devoted to topical issues of improving the educational process taking into account modern requirements. According to the results of the internship, the employees of the MTS department Obod I, Vorgul O, Svyd I, Boyko N, Chumak V and graduate students of MTS Starokozhev S, Glushchenko A advanced training and received certificates of international training, which confirms the international experience of the participant.

Results of the webometric rating for the second quarter of 2021
At the initiative of the rector of KNURE Valery Semenets, in order to improve the webometric indicators of the university, a webometric rating of the sites of KNURE departments was introduced. The rating is based on the principle of additivity, which is to add places for each of the criteria for each department.

The Head of the MTS Department was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
On July 2, the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted a meeting of the Academic Council. During the event, the rector of KNURE Valery Semenets congratulated the scientists of the university on receiving awards from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Iryna Svyd, Head of the MTS Department, was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.