The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


Participation in a webinar on the selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection

On August 12, 2021, Iryna Svyd, Head of the MTS Department, took part in the webinar “Criteria and procedure for selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection”, which was conducted by highly qualified specialists of Clarivates.

The webinar focused on the following issues:

– components of a successful publication;

– Key figures of the journal: authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board and their rights and responsibilities. How to know who has the right to be.

– technical, scientific quality criteria and mandatory elements of scientific publications: website, ISSN, doi impact factor quartiles;

– submission procedure and selection criteria for the publication of the Web of Science Core Collection (publishers portal);

– how to determine how many citations a publication that is not indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection has;

– which publications should be compared to, what can be borrowed for the development of your own publication, etc.

Participation in a webinar on the selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection