
Case championship for young developers. Create an Android application for the elevator and get an invitation to work
Many companies present themselves coolly, but in fact you are transferred from project to project every few months, where there is nothing interesting except routine and new bugs. And maybe unexpectedly, in the agro-sphere you will be able to work with new technologies and create really useful products, instead of stamping the same applications for customers.

Day of acquaintance with KNURE 2021
On December 5 at 10:00 Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hospitably opens its doors and invites you to the “Day of acquaintance with KNURE” – a new format of the Open Day online on NURE TV and for the first time in a video chat telegram channel “Applicant KNURE 2022”.

Competition of student research papers 2021/2022 academic year
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 05.11.2021 № 1179 was appointed the basic institution of higher education for the II Round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the 2021/2022 academic year in the field of “Embedded Systems Engineering”.

Competition “The best scientific, scientific and pedagogical employee of KNURE”
In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3 of Art. 16 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” on the annual evaluation of research and teaching staff, the decision of the Academic Council of the University from 16.09.2020 and given the best practices in quality assurance of higher education announced a competition “The best research, research and teaching staff KNURE- 2021”.

Happy Student Day!
Studentship is truly the best period of life. I wish you to experience all its charms. Let learning be easy, exams are fast, and there will be more free time. I wish you to direct all the present enthusiasm in the right direction. As long as life gives you all the opportunities, take everything. May the years of study leave an indelible mark of joyful and positive impressions in your memory.

Participation in the conference “European integration of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the Bologna process. Quality assessment: approaches and tools”
On November 10, 2021, the staff of the MTS Department took part in the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Integration of Higher Education in Ukraine in the context of the Bologna Process. Quality assessment: approaches and tools.

Participation in the training “Energy Management in Higher Education Institutions”
On October 11-31, 2021, the Head of the MTS Department Iryna Svyd took part in the training “Energy Management in Higher Education Institutions”.
The event was organized by the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas within the project “Transboundary Network of Energy Sustainable Universities” (HUSKROUA / 1702 /6.1/0075, NET4SENERGY), supported by the framework program HUSKROUA ENI CBC 2014-2020. The purpose of the training is to use the best European and Ukrainian experience in order to optimize energy consumption and increase energy efficiency in the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine.

The III forum “Automation, electronics and robotics. Development Strategies and Innovative Technologies”
On October 29, on the basis of the MTS department, the III forum “Automation, electronics and robotics. Development strategies and innovative technologies”. Subject to quarantine restrictions, the forum was held remotely.
Speakers presented relevant and meaningful works, many works claim the level of startups and can be implemented in production. Also, works on introduction of the newest technologies from the leading company of Ukraine – Dialog Semiconductor as laboratory base at designing of devices on FPGA were presented.

.NET GL BaseCamp
This course contains an up-to-date program that has been tested by many successful issues and supplemented by subgroup work on a project under the guidance of a mentor-practitioner. The training takes place online, under the guidance of a professional trainer in a group of up to 15 people. We invite beginners from all cities of the country to participate!
Start: November
Duration: 2.5 months (2-3 times a week for 2 hours in the evening)
Venue: Online

Participation in the forum “Clusters as a mechanism of innovative development of Kharkiv”
Teachers and staff of the MTS Department on October 27, 2021 took part in the innovation forum “Clusters as a mechanism of innovative development of Kharkiv”. The event addressed such issues as:
– the role of the city council in the development of Kharkiv as a center of innovation;

Employees of the department took part in the event on the preparation of project applications for competitions of the program “Horizon Europe”
On October 27, 2021, the staff of the MTS Department took part in an online event on the preparation of project applications for Horizon Europe competitions.
The event was held by the Department of Perspective Development with the support of Valery Sement, Rector of KNURE.
The following issues were considered during the event: