The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


Case championship for young developers. Create an Android application for the elevator and get an invitation to work

Many companies present themselves coolly, but in fact you are transferred from project to project every few months, where there is nothing interesting except routine and new bugs. And maybe unexpectedly, in the agro-sphere you will be able to work with new technologies and create really useful products, instead of stamping the same applications for customers.

Kernel invites you to dive into IT and agro and develop an application that will help track the grain in the elevator. Take a real project for a practical / course, learn to work with neural networks, ask for advice from mentors and present your ideas to the heads of IT areas of the company at the end!

All participants will receive a portfolio case and certificates that can be added to the resume, the best – a job invitation to Kernel, and the winner – a laptop.

Details and registration