
Online meeting with the Admissions Committee of KNURE
The winter holidays are long over, registration for the external evaluation has already begun, and the choice of future specialty is already in full swing.
We know how to help you, because on February 12 at 12 there will be an online meeting with the Admissions Committee of KNURE.

Launch of the social program Scholarship 2021-22 from Renix
Scholarship is a social program that aims to encourage students to study promising areas. It provides a financial reward for students who show high academic performance. Winners are determined on a competitive basis.
The program is available to all students of technical schools, colleges and universities. The form of study and the actual specialty do not matter. Students majoring in marketing and digital marketing, journalism and information technology, advertising and PR, design and economics, and others can try their hand.

We invite teachers and scientists to webinars
Clarivate plans to hold a series of webinars in February to discuss the Web of Science database, patent data available in the Derwent Innovation Index, open access and open science, and the capabilities and features of the Publons platform and the ORCID.

Employees of the department took part in the event “Youth and Industry 4.0”
On January 28, 2022, the staff of the MTS Department took part in the online meeting “Youth and Industry 4.0”. The event was supported by APPAU.
The national campaign “Youth and Industry 4.0”, which started this week, has many topics to cover. Thus, the outflow of personnel and young people from industry, the poor level of training of young professionals and the low effectiveness of competitive strategies of industrialists in combating these phenomena are the three main challenges addressed in this campaign. These challenges are the same at the regional and national levels and are fundamental to shaping the goals and objectives of the campaign.

Employees of the department joined ITeachers Meet-Up 2022 # 1 Trends and challenges of dual education
On January 27, 2022, the staff of the MTS Department joined the ITeachers Meet-Up 2022 # 1 Trends and Challenges of Dual Education. The event was supported by SoftServe.
The following issues were discussed during the meeting:

Employees of the department joined the discussion panel “Collaboration of IT companies and educational institutions in response to the lack of qualified professionals”
On January 26, 2022, the staff of the MTS Department joined the discussion panel on “Collaboration of IT companies and educational institutions in response to the lack of qualified professionals.” The event was organized and attended by owners and managers of IT companies, rectors of advanced higher education institutions and USAID representatives.
The focus of the discussion was on the reforms of IT education in 2022, the involvement of entrants in IT specialties and the role of IT companies in the development of education.

Youth and Industry 4.0 campaign launched
The main goal is to build a common agenda for industrialists and high-tech sectors in this area in relation to key challenges, such as the outflow of young people from industry and the low effectiveness of existing strategies. This agenda should include a clear definition of the main challenges, directions and action plans, identification of best practices. Accordingly, the campaign includes analytical work to clarify the situation, highlight best practices in the media, hold roundtables in the regions of the country, as well as the final conference in Kiev in early March.
The main partners – organizers of the campaign are the platform Industry4Ukraine (Committee “Sustainable Industry”), the Association of APPAU, clusters Engineering – Automation – Mechanical Engineering (IAM) in Kiev, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia and Kharkiv. The main events of the campaign received the status of EU Industry weeks from the European Commission.

Participation in the webinar “Analysis of grant support and effectiveness of cooperation in Web of Science and InCites”
On January 20, 2022, Iryna Svyd, Head of the MTS Department, took part in a webinar from Clarivate “Analysis of grant support and effectiveness of cooperation in Web of Science and InCites”.

C Embedded GL BaseCamp
GlobalLogic invites you to the “C Embedded GL BaseCamp” course, which will be held free of charge and online.
Registration for base camp is already open and will last until February 4.

UGEN HR Bootcamp
UGEN HR Bootcamp is a career education project for all who see their development in the field of HR in top companies in Ukraine.
Date: February 07-16
For students and graduates from all over Ukraine.

Employees of the MTS Department took part in the training on Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects
On January 18, 2022, the staff of the MTS Department took part in the training on the preparation of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects. The event was organized by the Department of Perspective Development with the support of the Rector of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Valery Sementes. This event is aimed at developing the skills of researchers and teachers in international project activities.

Nure Winter Holidays 2022
From January 8 to January 10, 2022 every day from 10:00 as part of Nure Winter Holidays 2022 on the YouTube channel NURE TV you will find interesting, bright and useful workshops, exciting workshops in physics, robotics, astroinformatics, electronics, 3D graphics, multimedia technologies, IT, business, etc.
Mark these days in the calendar and click on the reminders, it will be very interesting: