The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


Presentation on professions of the future

Assistant of the department, Chumak V., took part in the final conference of the competition “Best Gender-Sensitive STEM Lesson”, where a presentation by Career Hub was held on professions and industries relevant for Ukraine’s recovery after the victory.

Every year, thousands of graduates go to study for the same specialty that they or their parents consider promising for the future. Occasionally, this promising specialty changes, but the result remains the same.

According to the statistics of the State Employment Center, about 70% of graduates do not work in their field of study.

Of course, this is the statistics of peaceful times, and the war has made its adjustments. However, teenagers who are finishing school now and their parents should think about which industries and professions they can develop and build a career in, actively participating in the process of Ukraine’s recovery. Career Hub provides the results of research by the Institute of Educational Analytics and helps to understand which industries will have a stable demand for specialists in the post-war period.