
I International scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and applied aspects of developing devices on microcontrollers and FPGAs”
On June 26 and 27, the first international scientific-practical conference “Theoretical and applied aspects of the development of devices on microcontrollers and FPGAs” was held in the IRTIS department of the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems.
The opening of the conference was held in the room number 40, building “Z”. It began with the presentation of the educational laboratory of the MTS department and the equipment in it. After the opening speech, the head of the department Svyd I. teachers and students took up the active work, discussed the current requirements for the development of devices based on microcontrollers and FPGAs. All reports were informative and relevant in accordance with the topic of the meeting.

Participation in the V International Specialized Exhibition «Modern. Energy Saving. Technologies. (MET-2019)»
The delegation of NURE was attended by the head of the department of MTS Iryna Svyd at the V International Specialized Exhibition «Modern. Energy Saving. Technologies» MET-2019. And presented at the exhibition forum MET-2019 theme «Aspects of Integration of Elements of the Unified Energy System».

Meeting attache French embassy for university and scientific cooperation issues
On May 30, the teachers of the MTS Department took part in a meeting with the Attaché of the French Embassy from the University and the scientific collaboration of Sylvie Rigole in the Synergy Science Park.

1st International Scientific and Practical Conference MC&FPGA-2019 wll be held june 26-27
On June 26-27, the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference «Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Development of Microcontroller Devices and FPGAs» MC&FPGA-2019 will take place at the Department of MTS. The urgency of the topics of the conference is determined by the tendencies of the transition of society to the technologies Industry 4.0 and IIoT, which put forward new requirements for the development of electronic devices.
Detailed information on the conference website MC&FPGA-2019.

Global Logic represented Embedded Starter Kit training opportunities
On May 24, the faculty of the MTS department took part in the Global Logic presentation of the Embedded Starter Kit package, designed to enhance students’ practical skills in microprocessor programming. Employees of the company told about a special solution of the company – a board with sensors, a screen, an interface, a controller and other components necessary for working on embedded solutions.

Discussion of areas of cooperation with a representative of the University of Dusseldorf
Representatives of the MTS department took part in a meeting of the KNURE management with the University of Dusseldorf professor Ricardo Menga, during which they discussed the possibilities of implementing joint scientific and technical projects at the international level.

Training at Science Park Synergy
April 19, 2019, students and teachers of the department of MTS conducted a training session at Science Park Synergy. It’s exciting! Students really liked to work on modern equipment! Thank you for your invitation to Science Park Synergy.

The report of the chair with ELNANO-2019
Report of the Department of MTS at the 39th International IEEE Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO-2019).

Participation in the forum «Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century»
In the framework of the XXIII International Forum “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century” 16.04.2019 Section 5. “Systems and Technologies of Devices onMicroprocessors, Microcontrollers and FPGAs” of the MTS Department took place at the conference 3. “Information Radiotechnologies and Technical Information Protection” of the IRTIS Faculty. Dean of the Faculty of IRTS Sakalo S.M. greeted the participants of the section and wished new achievements.

Exhibition of technical creativity of youth
Within the XXIII International Forum “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century” an exhibition of technical creativity of youth was held. Stand of the department of MTS of the faculty of IRTIS.

Participation of a representative of the department in a working visit to the University of Limoges (France)
As part of the delegation of KNURE, headed by the rector, Semenets, representative of the MTS Department Vorgul took part in a working visit to the University of Limoges (France). During the visit, the employee discussed the areas of educational and scientific cooperation in the design of devices on microcontrollers and rogrammable logic integrated circuits.

Participation of the MTS department at the exhibition KharkivBUILD&Energy
Employees of the Department of MTS took part in the exhibition-forum «KharkivBUILD&Energy» which took place March 14-17, 2019 in Kharkiv Palace of Sports. This is a modern exhibition devoted to the demonstration of developments and technologies in the field of resource-saving technologies.