
GlobalLogic Education Webinar # 2: Features of Online Interviews
Are you a student in the search for new opportunities? Want to learn the new distance interview format to make the most sense? This event is for you!
Do not delay to register later, as the number of participants is limited by the online platform. Join Now!
Date of holding April 14 (Tuesday), time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

GlobalLogic Education Webinar: Effective Online Performance
Are you a university teacher? Do you want to increase your effectiveness in remote work and learn to keep in touch with your colleagues and students? Then this webinar is for you!
Date is April 10 (Friday), time is 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

On Air and GlobalLogic Ukraine continue a series of online measures from the best experts of the company!
The best experience, stories and home delivery tips. Join now!
The next webinar “Types and Anti-Patterns of DevOps” will be held on April 3 (Friday), time: 16:00 – 17:00.
To participate in the event, you must first register here.

We invite you to participate in the second forum “Automation, Electronics and Robotics. Development Strategies and Innovative Technologies»
We invite KNURE employees and partners to participate in the 2nd Forum “Automation, Electronics and Robotics. Development Strategies and Innovative Technologies »to the 90th Anniversary of KNURE.
October 28-30, 2020 Specialized exhibition “Kharkov Prom Days” was held. It will be held at the Mechanical Art Factory (126 Plekhanovskaya St., metro station “Malyshev Plant”) in Kharkiv. Production and efficiency. “Second Forum” Automation, Electronics and Robotics” will be held on October 28, 2020 within the framework of the exhibition with the support of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. Development Strategies and Innovative Technologies” to the 90th Anniversary of KNURE.

Attention! Quarantine continued!
On March 11, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to introduce quarantine for all types of educational institutions. In pursuance of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2020 (No. 239). NURE has extended its quarantine according to the order No 148 d.d. March 30, 2020.
Students of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics will continue their training with the use of remote technologies.
The quarantine will last until April 24, 2020. Quarantine terms may change depending on the epidemiological situation in Ukraine.

The MTS department has joined the European initiative All Digital Week
MTS KNURE Department joined the European initiative “All Digital Week”, during which on March 23-26, 2020 webinars “Multidisciplinary resources: search, analysis and systematization of information”, “Digital competencies in Ukraine and Europe”, “Scientist image building” took place “took place in the information space”, “Academic Integrity”. Many practical applications of digital competences and competencies for teachers, researchers and teachers were presented during the event.

GLOBALLOGIC invites students and faculty to online trainings
Due to quarantine, GlobalLogic transfers its training activities online.
Next week, registration for two GlobalLogic educational initiatives in Kharkiv ends:
Linux Kernel GL BaseCamp where students of 2-6 courses who know C programming language, Linux OS and who want to develop towards embedded systems are invited.
Teachers are also invited to join this refresher course. Teachers will be issued certificates of completion of the course.
Detailed information and registration for the training.
“Project Approach in High School” is an educational program for IT project management instructors.
Detailed information and registration for the educational program at the link.

Distance learning
Attention students! As a result of quarantine, teachers of the MTS department conduct training sessions remotely on a schedule. See you at

General recommendstions for the prevention of coronavirus
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Center for public health, the Ministry of economic development, trade and agriculture, and the World Health Organization recommend to follow the usual preventive measures to protect against a new coronavirus infection.

Participation in the TCSET-2020 conference
A representative of the MTS Department participated in the 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radio Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET – 2020), held in Slavsko-Lviv with the support of the National University of Lviv Polytechnic.

Teachers of the MTS Department improved their qualifications
January 27 at the University of Radio Electronics held a public defense of the thesis of teachers of the department Svyd I., Zubkov O., Saikivska L. During the defense, the teachers of the department developed their own distance learning courses, which took into account modern requirements and best practices. All received appropriate certificates and improved their qualifications.

Discussion of the ESP project on specialty 172 – Telecommunications and radio engineering of postgraduate training
At the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems there was a discussion by members of the MTS support team, graduate students and stakeholders on the development of educational and scientific program “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering” training of higher education third (educational) level of higher education in 172 Telecommunications and Radio Engineering program structure, mandatory and optional components and proposals for the content of disciplines related to current trends in the professional field. Proposals based on the results of the discussion were submitted to the project group ESP 172 Telecommunications and Radio Engineering.
The current ESP 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering is taken as a basis for discussion available at the link: