
Participation in the ActinSpace hackathon
Sviatoslav Starokozhev, a graduate student of the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems #MTS #NURE, took part in the Kyiv InWite development team in the international hackathon ActinSpace. Introduced their short-distance communication device with the ability to send voice messages and SMS. Thanks to the advice of hackathon mentors, materials and ideas were developed to improve the functionality of the presented device.

Congratulations on the Day of workers of radio, television and communications
Today it is difficult to imagine our life without radio, television, telephone, Internet. All this has become part of our everyday life, made us more mobile, informed, and our society more social and economically developed.
Implementation and provision of new communication services, modernization of existing ones, improvement of their quality of work – these are the main tasks on which you are working.
We are sure that in the future you will make every effort to provide objective information to our citizens, to introduce advanced technologies and modern means of communication.
We wish you the trust of your clients, respect of your colleagues, the implementation of new creative ideas, success in responsible and interesting work!

Webinar for teachers №9 “Streaming online lectures”
With the partial and sometimes even complete transition of the educational process to the Internet, many teachers are faced with the need to adapt their lectures and practical classes to completely new tools. After all, each platform has its own characteristics, and the mechanisms of perception of online content can differ significantly.
We invite all teachers to join our new webinar “Streaming lectures on the Internet”, where we will discuss new approaches and share useful practical tips!

Employees of the MTS Department took part in the XII International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Modern Education – Accessibility, Quality, Recognition”.
On November 11, 2020, employees of the MTS Department of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part in the conference “Modern education – accessibility, quality, recognition” on the basis of Donbass State Engineering Academy using the ZOOM platform with video presentations. The conference is one of the annual international scientific events in the field of education, which is attended by representatives of the Higher Technical School Trstenik (Serbia), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Strossmayer University (Croatia), Apeiron University (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Zelenogorsk and Poland.

Webinar: “Starting an IT career in Embedded projects”
During the webinar you will learn:
– what innovative developments are engaged in Ukrainian engineers;
– What stacks and technologies are currently most common in such projects;
– How to start a career – a success story;
– What opportunities does GlobalLogic provide for students now and what it takes to join them.

Postgraduate student’s thoughts – how to combine work and hobbies
Sviatoslav Starokozhev, a graduate student at the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems at MTS, who works as a DSP engineer, spoke about his path to becoming a freelancer.
Probably every student would like to combine such things as hobbies and work. Or find a part-time job so that you can solve your financial problems. Svyatoslav gave some advice from his own experience, where he looked for a freelance order, what he did and how much it cost. He talked about approaches to working with clients, interaction with them and mistakes that may occur. Sviatoslav believes that freelancing is an opportunity to test your strengths and weaknesses, but is it true what you think about yourself.

Participation in the online discussion “Ways of development of research and innovations in Ukraine”
On October 27, 2020, the Head of the MTS Svid IV Department took part in the online discussion “Ways of Development of Research and Innovation in Ukraine”.
During the discussion, the possibilities of cooperation on the effective use of international, national and local instruments to support the development of innovation were discussed. The experience of innovation structures in Ukraine was presented. Based on the comments and speeches of the participants, the organizers plan to prepare proposals for the formation of joint action plans for 2021-2023 to include tools to support innovation in national and regional strategies.
The event was supported by the Initiative “Programs and Tools to Support Innovation Development in Ukraine”, which is implemented within the project “Support to the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (CSO)”, implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Policy Consulting funded by the Forum Eastern Partnership and the European Commission.

A forum dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KNURE was held
On October 28, on the basis of the MTS department with the help of remote technologies the II forum “Automation, electronics and robotics. Development Strategies and Innovative Technologies ”to the 90th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
Opening the forum, the first vice-rector of KNURE Igor Ruban noted that in the conditions of rapid development of technologies it is very important that such measures go to the international level for the consolidated achievement of high scientific results.

NURE entered the subject ratings of THE
The same 13 indicators are used in compiling THE subject rankings as in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. They present five areas: teaching (learning environment) – 30%; research (volume, income and reputation) – 30%; citations (research impact) – 27.5%; international interaction (teachers, students and research) – 7.5%; income from production activities (knowledge transfer) – 5%.
The threshold for entering the subject rating is determined by two criteria: the threshold of publications and the threshold of academic staff in the discipline. For the ratings “Computer Science” and “Engineering Science and Technology” it is 500 articles in these areas for the last five years in Scopus and at least 1 percent of the number of teachers of computer science and computer science and 4 percent of the number of teachers of engineering disciplines (electrical and electronic engineering, energy, devices and materials science, robotics, telecommunications, avionics, automation and control systems, biomedical engineering).
The Computer Science rating includes 827 universities, including 4 Ukrainian ones; rating “Engineering Sciences and Technologies” – 1098 universities, including 8 Ukrainian.

Webinar “dComFra CodeWeek UA: WEB-site development is easy”
On October 22, 2020, the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems (MTS) of KNURE and the Department of Information Systems (SI) of NTU “KhPI” within the CodeWeek and dComFra projects organized and held a joint webinar on “Website development” easy “.
EU Code Week is an international movement that combines creativity, problem solving and collaboration through programming and other technological activities.
The webinar is designed to increase the basic digital competencies of students, teachers and other citizens. In today’s digital world, you need to be able to present information about your activities (project, startup, courses, conferences, new disciplines, etc.) to the general public. The webinar shows that creating a website is simple and does not require special programming skills. The event was joined by a wide target group, including students, teachers, professors, students and other segments of the population. Participants learned about easy ways to create websites and improved their digital competencies.

Results of the cathedral section of the forum “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”
In the framework of the XXIV International Youth Forum “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century” on October 21, 2020, on the basis of remote technologies, a meeting of the conference 3 “Information radio technology and technical protection of information”, section 4 “Systems and technologies of devices on microprocessors, microcontrollers and FPGA ”of the MTS department of the IRTIS faculty. All reports of the participants were interesting and informative. Thank you for participating!

dСomFra СodeWeek UA: WEB-site development is easy
How to create a site using templates? What is a site builder? What skills do you need?
You will get the answers to these questions and related to them at the webinar “dComFra CodeWeek UA: WEB-site development is easy”.
The webinar is designed to increase the basic digital competencies of students, teachers and other citizens. And this does not require specialized programming skills. The language of the webinar is Ukrainian.
Increase your digital competencies!