The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


May 17 – World Telecommunications and Information Society Day

Uninterrupted access to mobile communications, the Internet, and television is one of the key needs of modern man today. And for Ukrainians, because of the bloody war waged by Russia, it is vital.

Have access to truthful information. Be able to call rescuers or learn about the planned evacuation from the shelling. Ask how your family is doing. All this is provided by telecommunications, as well as hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian specialists in this field, who often work in extremely difficult conditions of hostilities.

Ukraine has long been part of the global telecom community and a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Like the rest of the world, the Union supports Ukraine and Ukrainians in our struggle for existence. The ITU has decided to implement the UN General Assembly resolution “Aggression against Ukraine” on assistance and support in the restoration of telecommunications in our country. The organization deprived the aggressor country of the right to hold certain positions in the ITU bodies. We hope for support in the issue of applying sanctions against Russia for the attempts of the occupiers to connect Ukrainian Internet users to the Russian network.

Today is another reason to sincerely thank everyone who gives us the opportunity to stay in touch and help in difficult times.