The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


Competition for scientific student papers on the topic of the Revolution of Dignity for the award in the name of the Heavenly Hundred Hero, Serhiy Kemska

All-Ukrainian competition of scientific student papers on the topic of the Revolution of Dignity in honor of Serhiy Kemska, Hero of Ukraine, Hero of the Heavenly Hundred – historian, political scientist, journalist, and public activist. Initiated and conducted by the National Memorial Complex of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes – the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity, and the Public Organization ‘Family of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes,’ within the project ‘Sergiy Kemske Award.’

The Purpose of the Competition:

Activate scientific interest in the events of the Revolution of Dignity. Promote a critical rethinking of modern Ukrainian history. Popularize the lessons, experience, and values of Maidan among youth audiences, stimulate and support talented youth. Engage them in the study and research of the Revolution of Dignity.

The Tasks of the Competition are:

Attract students of various specialties from all regions of Ukraine to the competition. Increase the number of specialized scientific research dedicated to the Revolution of Dignity. Publish a thematic collection of scientific papers based on the results obtained to bring them into scientific circulation and for use in the exhibition, educational, and informational programs of the National Memorial Complex of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes – the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity.

Submissions are accepted in the Ukrainian language.

Organizing Committee:, phone +380935037288.