The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems


About the opening of the #GirlsSTEM Branch

On July 2, 2021, the STEM Girls branch was opened on the basis of the MTS Department.
CSR Ukraine, an expert organization Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Development with the support of the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine – UNFPA Ukraine and the Institute for Modernization of Educational Content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine initiated the opening of Ukraine’s first #GirlsSTEM branches to promote technical specialties . STEM is an abbreviation of Science – science, Technology – technology (computer science, technology), Engineering – engineering (robotics, 3D modeling) and Mathematics – mathematics.The task of the Branch will be the implementation of educational STEM activities, assistance to girls in the implementation of their own STEM-projects, as well as raising awareness of STEM as a leading approach to learning in Ukraine. By joining the Community, educational institutions receive the official status of the STEM Girls Branch and liaise with a network of educational institutions throughout Ukraine, which also develop STEM areas, to share experiences and best practices.
The activities of the #GirlsSTEM Branch, which is part of the “Springboard to Equality” project with the financial support of the Swedish government, contributes to the development of the University’s Sustainable Development Goals.